Eye Spa
Help Reduce Eye Strain & Headaches With Hands-Free Massaging. The Eye Spa targets your acupoints with vibration, compression and relaxing heat to help you reduce strain & leave you feeling rejuvenated & refreshed. Which is something we could all use more of these days… especially with the countless hours we spend staring at screens.
Simply slip the Eye Spa over your head and adjust the strap so it fits comfortably. Then push the button on the side and the bluetooth-ready Eye Spa will begin to massage you! All you do is lie back and relax. The Eye Spa does all the work.
Its 3 different massage modes are automatically timed… letting you pick the custom massage you need. Choose from 3 massage modes — “dynamic,” “relaxation” or “sleep” — to target the acupoints around your temples and eyes… melting your stress away in as little as 10 minutes. Without even leaving the couch.